Deh-GIHM! Greetings, traveler, and welcome to the TFL-listed fanlisting for the classic Disney film, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Please feel free to take a look around the site, and if you're a fan of this great movie, be sure to join the list! Enjoy your stay in Atlantis!

Site Stats
Last updated: July 21, 2024
Member count: 159
Pending members: 0
Webmiss: Lisa

Latest Update
One new member: welcome to Azura!

Here are the rules for joining the fanlisting. I know, I know. Rules put a damper on the party. But these ones are easy, I promise!

1) Obviously, you must be a fan of the Disney movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

2) You have to provide a name. It doesn't have to be your REAL name, a screen name will work just fine. That way, we can list you.

3) You also have to provide your geographic location and your e-mail address, but if you don't want your e-mail made public, just let me know and I won't display it.

4) If you have a website, it would be really nice if you put up one of the buttons below, and linked it to It's not required, but you'd do it anyway, to promote the fandom, right? *wink wink*

5) Please, no direct linking!

Those aren't hard, right? ^_^ Now, please feel free to join!

Below are the link buttons for you display on your website if you have one. If you'd like to make your own and submit it to me, that's fine, too. Full credit will be given! Be sure to link to:

50 x 50

88 x 31

100 x 35

100 x 50

175 x 50

200 x 40

If you've read the rules and chosen a link button (if you have a website), then you're ready to join! You can also view the memberlist and see how many Atlantis fans there are, and update your info if you're already a member.

Join the fanlisting
View the memberlist
Update your info

I'm looking for affiliates who run Atlantis or Disney-related websites and fanlistings. Interested?

Affiliate: Atlantis 12345 Affiliate: The Princess Kida Fanlisting Affiliate: The Milo + Kida Fanlisting Affiliate: The Cree Summer Fanlisting

Layout, Credits & Legal
The layout for this fanlisting was made using a blend of screencaps from the movie and the Japanese movie poster (sent to me by Rebmakash). The programs used were Cyberlink PowerDVD, ArcSoft Photostudio 5, Jasc Paintshop Pro 7, and Pixie.

All characters, situations, items, etc. related to Atlantis: The Lost Empire are property of Disney. I am in no way affiliated with them, and no profit is being made off this fanlisting save enjoyment.